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How do I place a Preliminary Bid?You must be a member of AutoBidMaster to utilize our services. To become a member and bid: Register for a membersh...How do I bid in a live auction?Virtual bidding is available to our paid memberships. Virtual bidding allows our members to participate in Live Auct...How do I ship my vehicle?You can place the order on our website under the lot listing page...How to release a security deposit?If you have no active bids or pending purchases, and there is no outstanding balance on your account, the security deposit is 100% refundable. If a bid has...When will my car be delivered?After payment is made, the average pickup time is 3-5 days, depending on the route. Delivery times vary depend on destination, road...How do I pay for a car after winning the auction?When an auction is won, our system will send a notification with an invoice attached, to the email...
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